Sunday, June 25, 2017

Summer Solstice Ritual 2017: Burning

RItual Burnings

Burning is a very clarified way of letting go.  Nothing opaque here.

One should burn "things" on certain power calendar dates for cleansing and good motive for the futures. 

The painting on canvass in the foreground was a duality painting of conflict.  The work became an obstruction to this soul.  Burning allowed an opaque cleansing.  One sends something over through the the spirits.

Between the canvases was a bag containing hair clippings, clothes, usurped writings etc....

I used five polaroid film shots.  The rest is from the cell phone.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Collaborative works on paper with Jenny Moon Tucker

Past and recent collaborative works on paper with Jenny Moon Tucker

                                                               Prehistorical Horse

                                                           Demon with Barbed Halo

                                                                numerology DusK

                                                         black of the dark ritual

                                                                   a ghosT fLoaTs

                                              nervous systematic boNEs ouT

Birds: Portents wraiths DiVine messengers

Avian Veils

Slower and slower
    spews circling avian wings
a blueness pulsation dusk forever

this be all a veil

Heaven is just a furnace for ghosts.

With my terminal death sentence
    set in statue stone
I confess

        :  He began public education
inside a trapazoid building without windows.

Through crime I learned real hard
    through crime I learned abut trees and birds

Through eternal trespass I learned

Mother Father You

                                                               Bird on a branch

                                                                   Seagull diving

                                                     Rooster in the blueness night

                                                      Black bird in tha Pink Dusk

                                                      Barn Owl Blood REd Dusk

                                                                    Barn Owl

                                                         Blue bird X rayed blueness

                                                           dark blue bird in ritual throe

Vision of the angel bird snared in divine fishing net

Birds are the messengers between this reality and the spiritual realm.  They can reveal illumination or veiled mysteries, even curses.

The works above consist of new work and older work.  A pieces are on 9x12 paper.  Oil pastels, oil paint, pen ink.  All works for sale.  Please contact for prices.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

erotical deathing

2014 work on glass Eroticals depthless denouncement of death 

Crows A series of rituals

A series of drawings of kinetic rituals involving Crows.  Birds are messengers between the worlds.  Anima Mundi.  The mysterium does not have to be understood. These are works spanning from 2014-2017. 

                         All work is for sale.  For prices and individual titles please reach out.