Friday, July 12, 2013

Two yonder oLd albums and a unreleased ONe

I am finally posting about music.  HEre Below are descriptions of three PonY PayRoLL aLbums with their original artwork.  One was never released. Archiving is always a priority, yet archiving takes up alot of time.  I know it is late in the game to become a business man yet, one can find these three albums at  I will never put these out as hard copies again.  None of any of those over forty cdr albums from the early days.  Here they are:

BLack BuLL is one of the latter day PonY cdr albums.  Some of this was recorded at Jacoby's former mansion somewhere in Gwinnett County, Georgia on broken tapes.  Alot of this was recorded in the dirt basement at the Jailhouse.  Most of this album is instrumental and unbalanced.  Alot of ghosts here.  Important Eagle Milton (Them Natives) collaborates on the ole slave song "Go Down, Ole Hannah"

BLacK BULL is around 2009ish with lots of troubled folk on it including Jacoby, Jake KooVa, ImportanT EagLe and ANdrew CocaiNe.  Alias's will remain such.  Songs and crediTs aRe as BeLow

ROanOke (beLow is the fifth PonY PayroLL Bones album.  Just Maximum Minimalism Guitar and Violin and amps at the black house way back in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

ONe COmposition is shattered into three fractures.  They explore the historical mystery of the lost colony Roanoke.

Over thirty something maybe more PonY Payroll Bones CdR aLbums were self released.  I hope to put them all up.  I hate cdr's and occasionally feel ashamed for making so much good music on such a horrific format as cdr.  The aesthetic grew as I scrawled the covers ALL INDIVIDUALLY WITH CRAYONS AND BLACK INK SCRAWLINGS....

I tacked on as a bonus an unreleased album from the same time period as Roanoke.  THe album is called Cow jumped over tha moon.  I was getting deep into Mother GOose at the time.  The dark mother goose.  dark meat of death.  Matt Goethe is also on these recordings.

I utilized three destroyed paintings to represent the unreleased Cow JumPed OveR tha MOON


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