Thursday, July 4, 2013

SUmmeR Drawings/LOsT BooK of Lostness excerpTs

Drawings/paintings from the MOnth of JunE (on paper).  ONE LosEs perspectiVe wheN seeKIng perspecTiVe.  PLeaSe peruSe tha renderinGs beLow wroughT froM visions somewhere between black magic and white magic.

FeeL free to contacT tO obtaiN any worK (s)

                                                                  RiveR is tha fish is thA river
                                                                               (with mooN tuckeR)

                                                Reverse of RIver is the FisH is thE riVeR

                                                           poeT decaPitaTed

                                                          ReVeRsE of PoeT DecaPitaTeD

                                                           UnknowN (with JennY MooN TuckeR)

                                                     HILLs aRe FoR NoW On PaLaCes foR SkULLs (foR Tisquantum)
                                                                              ((with JennY MooN TucKeR))

                                                            NaKed FiguRe in DarK ChaLk asH RooM

                                       UNknoWn PagE (FroM the LosT booK of LOsTneSS)

                                                  ReverSe oF UnKnoWn Page (From the LosT booK of LosTneSS)

                                              UnkNoWn PagE (from the LosT booK of LosTneSs)

                                                      ReVerSe of UnknoWn PaGE (froM thE LosT booK of LosTneSs)


UnknoWn PagE (froM the LosT booK of LosTneSs)

ReverSe of UnknoWn PagE (froM the LosT booK of LosTness)

                                                HauLing SpiNe to thE tomoRroW of ObliviaTioNs

                                                    ReverSe of HauLing SpiNe to thE tomoRrow of ObLiviaTionS

UnKnowN paGe (From LosT BooK of LosTneSs)

                                                ReveRsE of UnknoWn PagE (FroM the LosT booK of LOsTNess)

                                                                  InKa (with JennY MooN tucKeR)

                                                 SPIrIT of ThA beaST

                                          ReVerSe of SpiRiT of thA beaST

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